In focus

calendar22.11.2024. | 14:28

Patriotic theft - part 6 (VIDEO)

This is the final episode of the series "Patriotic" Theft. Despite the numerous pieces of evidence of budget misuse and theft presented in five episodes, some individuals were primarily disturbed by the title "Patriotic" Theft. Instead of responding to the evidence presented, for weeks, they have accused Insider of trying to criminalize all Serbs in the...

calendar22.11.2024. | 14:16

Patriotic theft - part 5 (VIDEO)

16 million, 14 million, 10 million, 15 million euros, and so on, project after project, Serbian citizens have been paying for years through the budget for infrastructure projects, residential buildings, schools, elderly homes, student centers, sports halls, and roads in Kosovo. However, according to Insajder's investigation, due to the lack of proper oversight, many of these...

calendar06.11.2024. | 17:14

When darkness prevails - part 1 (VIDEO)

"We are already receiving threatening letters, I have a number of colleagues, including myself, who are receiving threatening letters. There are few variations of those letters, however, one sentence is interesting, which reads as follows….that sentence appears in several letters, all by different authors. If things escalate, and they will certainly escalate, be sure that the...

calendar06.11.2024. | 17:08

When darkness prevails - part 2 (VIDEO)

The subject left the apartment in Lole Ribara Street. Ćuran and his wife entered "Kolarac". The order: notify him immediately if they head home, we might apply another measure. Cease all activities concerning the subject.

calendar06.11.2024. | 16:32

Patriotic theft - part 1 (VIDEO)

The slogan “Kosovo is the heart of Serbia,” according to an investigation by Insajder, has cost Serbian citizens at least two billion euros over the past 12 years. Money from the state budget, under the pretext of patriotism and the alleged survival of Serbs in Kosovo, is funneled through various channels without any oversight. The result...

calendar06.11.2024. | 16:17

Patriotic theft - part 2 (VIDEO)

During months of investigation, Insajder journalists discovered that alternative routes from Serbia to Kosovo have been turned into smuggling roads that still function without hindrance today. As a result, the state budget has suffered multimillion-euro losses.Insajder journalists, accompanied by a man who once used these roads to trade with Kosovo, traveled along several alternative routes and...

calendar06.11.2024. | 15:13

Patriotic theft - part 4 (VIDEO)

For 12 years, there has been almost no oversight to ensure that the money sent from Serbia's budget to Kosovo, averaging €650,000 per day, is being spent as intended.

calendar06.11.2024. | 15:08

Patriotic theft - part 3 (VIDEO)

Bojan Stojanović, Mayor of Gračanica in the Kosovo administration: "Thank you to the citizens of Serbia, and thank you to the government, the intention was good. However, the satellites that misled the story, who had the mortgage right to decide the fate of Kosovo Serbs, somehow sent the wrong signals. The transfer of information and funds...

calendar31.05.2022. | 13:38

The hooligans said - we are back again and we can do whatever we want

After a 13-year break, all the stands of the hall at the basketball game between Partizan and Buducnost chanted insultingly and threatened Brankica Stanković, journalist and editor-in-chief of TV Insider. In an interview for "Nova", she states that no one from the prosecutor's office or the police contacted her, and that the loud chanting of the...

calendar05.11.2020. | 12:17

The Epidemic of Secrets – part 1 (VIDEO)

THE CORONA VIRUS CHANGED THE WORLD. IT CHANGED SERBIA, AS WELL. THE EPIDEMIC OF SECRETS - PART 1 ANDJELA GAVRILOVIC - neurologist, COVID Zvezdara, United against COVID: It wasn’t only the doctors who were scared. The whole world was scared. We are still scared. No one knows anything about this epidemic. What is causing it or what...

calendar28.07.2020. | 12:06

Behind corona in the Western Balkans: Five months in

The crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the surface and highlighted all the weaknesses in the Western Balkans. Mutual intolerance has, often, outweighed solidarity, the distributed aid used to be linked to nationality and not to those most in need; confusion and manipulation by the governments in some countries increase the discontent that escalates...

calendar30.06.2020. | 03:28

Full stop - part 2 (VIDEO)

Your right is to know everything and not learn everything you should. This has long been the message of the RTS and 4 national televisions. After the privatization of local media, the situation is the same with the media in the majority of cities in Serbia. This is despite the fact that freedom of speech and...

calendar28.06.2020. | 07:21

Full stop - part 1 (VIDEO)

Svetlost should be a genuine people’s newspaper In that sense, we would like to bring together all honest people because our personal motives for doing this job are pure. Svetlost is without resources. Its editors are poor people. However, they are not motivated by profit. If anybody would like to help, they are welcome. This does...

calendar12.06.2020. | 07:56

The Balkan coronavirus diary: Socio-political issues that have emerged or intensified during COVID-19 in the Western Balkans

COVID-19 has been the most frequent word on the whole globe in the past several months. The pandemic has made the world united around a joint problem with which, almost everybody (ironically) dealt from a separate room. Pulled through litmus paper, the world showed all its known and unknown weaknesses, sometimes less and sometimes more evident....

calendar29.05.2020. | 02:31

A little big stories – Virus of dangerous divisions (VIDEO)

The ignited atmosphere came from the top. As in stadiums where all you hear is hooligans shouting, torches were burning and loudspeakers were blaring. This time from the roofs of buildings.

calendar29.05.2020. | 02:18

Little big stories: The judge – justice in crises (VIDEO)

By stopping life, we save lives – said the President of Serbia, and declared a state of emergency on March 15th. From an insignificant virus, corona has become an invisible enemy, to whom the government has declared war. In that state, some suffered a swift judgement.

calendar25.05.2020. | 08:16

Little big stories - Captivity of dragonflies (VIDEO)

On the eighteenth day of the state of emergency imposed in Serbia due to the coronavirus pandemic, the symbols of Belgrade were painted blue. It was the World Autism Awareness Day.

calendar09.12.2019. | 02:48

Little big stories - A cure for a cure (VIDEO)

Andrea Đokić was crushed by the horrible diagnosis - Multiple Sclerosis comes unexpectedly, usually appears at young age and mostly affects women. Up until a couple of decades ago, there was no cure. Today, this autoimmune disease can be kept under control. The cure allows people to have a normal life.

calendar28.11.2019. | 11:27

SL officials appointed to the councils of the University and Faculty in North Mitrovica

The Serbian government appointed Aleksandar Martinovic, MP and SNS official, to a new post. Martinovic was elected as a member of the Council of the University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in North Mitrovica during the last government session. A number of prominent Srpska Lista officials have also been assigned to new posts in the council...

calendar25.11.2019. | 11:06

Two investigations into the murder of Oliver Ivanovic: Accusations without proof

Despite 16 cameras on the surrounding buildings, the only thing we know about the murder of Oliver Ivanovic is the same thing we knew on that first day – he was shot dead with six bullets from the back. We do not even know where the footage from those security cameras is.

calendar12.11.2019. | 10:38

Whistleblower from MUP: They didn’t even know which employees have access to protected information in police

Two years ago a multi-award winning police officer and long-standing member of the work force for investigations of assassinations of journalists in MUP, has been let go without any explanation.

calendar09.08.2019. | 12:49

Brankica Stanković: Freedom is something that belongs to us

Insajder (Insider) began as a team of three reporters 15 years ago. Under the slogan "there is no compromise when it comes to revealing the truth", the team led by Brankica Stanković has uncovered substantial evidence of war crimes, corruption, crimes committed by the security services, the murder of the Serbian prime minister, privatization turned into...

calendar01.03.2019. | 02:00

Milan Radoicic’s case in a legal vacuum over unresolved relations between Belgrade and Pristina

The Vice-President of Srpska Lista, Milan Radoicic, who is being investigated by the Kosovo Prosecutor’s Office regarding his involvement in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, organized crime and drug trafficking, and would be arrested if he returned to Kosovo, has passed polygraph testing in central Serbia and is moving freely. This is possible because the investigative and judicial...

calendar16.01.2019. | 07:55

First episode of Insajder’s new series Sold (VIDEO)

The privatisation of PKB — at one time a European agricultural powerhouse — came to completion in the second half of 2018 with the sale of the company’s assets.

calendar09.01.2019. | 03:07

I’ll prepare for the next conference, Are we supposed to do an interview here?… Reactions to Insajder reporters’ questions in 2018 (VIDEO)

In Serbia, institutional representatives are not held accountable to the public. Institutions are closed off, and that is why direct questions at press conferences are often the only way for the public to get an answer and an opportunity to determine if the explanation is appropriate. Although press conferences are not an opportunity to ask follow-up...

calendar11.12.2018. | 08:28

Tony Blair's Institute for Insajder: We have found candidates for the job in Serbia

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's Institute for Global Change has recently announced a call for two senior advisers of the Government of Serbia. However, after media took interest in the matter, the call has been removed from their website even though it was supposed to be opet until December 21st. As the Institute told Insajder,...

calendar06.11.2018. | 11:37

Brankica Stankovic wins 2018 “Engaged Journalism” award

The author and editor of the Insajder website Brankica Stankovic was personally honoured in October in Lebanon, the “Engaged Journalism” award by the May Chidiac Foundation for reporters who “committed themselves to the issues of their writings and have dedicated their bids to serve public“.

calendar05.09.2018. | 12:10

The Kosovo Office leaked Shaqiri’s birth certificate to the tabloids?

The Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs collected documents containing personal data of two Swiss football players of Albanian origin. These documents were soon published by some Belgrade based tabloids. MIA collected them at the request of the Kosovo Office, it was confirmed by the same ministry. The information, following several notifications of urgency on the matter...

calendar07.08.2018. | 06:47

Insajder reveals: The contract of management of the ironmongery available to public for the first time

For more than three years the representatives of Serbian institutions have in the biggest secrecy kept the contract about the management of Ironmongery Smederevo with the excuse that they didn’t have the authorisation from the company HPK Management. Journalists of Insajder managed to get a hold of that contract from which it can be concluded that...

calendar15.06.2018. | 01:06

Marko Djuric replies with ‘patriotism’ to the questions about the water supply for the North Kosovo

„Our people in North Kosovo badly need a water supply“, „The four municipalities are in charge of this project“, „The Government of Serbia has supported the construction of a water supply system“, „The government will encourage the municipalities“ – the Director of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric, persistently repeated, while answering various questions of an Insider...

calendar14.05.2018. | 09:27

Serbian-Arab affairs

They promised the moon, they promised airplanes and millions, that’s how you can briefly describe the promises that government representatives kept announcing to Serbian public since 2013 to this day, when it comes to the interstate agreement between Serbia and UAE.

calendar10.02.2018. | 01:30

A marine arrested in Serbia is an associate at Clinton’s special assistant’s firm?

According to Insajder’s research, American citizen that was arrested in Belgrade a couple of days ago, is Daniel Corbett, former U.S. marine, member of the elite force Navy SEAL. As per all the information that Insajder’s journalists came by, that is the same person employed in an American firm Raven Military. Co-owner of the firm is...

calendar08.11.2017. | 06:07

Interview with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (VIDEO)

"Insajder Debate", a heavy discussion carried out by Insajder's Author and Editor, Brankica Stanković with Serbian President - Aleksandar Vučić, drew a lot of public attention last week. Here is the full video with english subtitles.

calendar07.11.2017. | 12:21

Interview with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (TRANSCRIPT)

"Insajder Debate", a hard talk conducted by Insajder Author and Editor, Brankica Stankovic with Serbian President - Aleksandar Vucic, draw a lot of public attention last week.  Here is the full transcript.

calendar01.07.2017. | 08:19

IMF insists that Serbia should help local administrations

International Monetary Fund insists on Serbian Government helping local administrations in solving financial problems. The intervention of IMF came after the report of the Serbian Fiscal Council was published stating that many local municipalities are on the brink of bankrupt.

calendar29.06.2017. | 09:06

Serbia has a new government

Serbia’s new government will be headed by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. After a two-day debate about the proposal for constituting the government and the plan of Ana Brnabic, the MPs adopted the proposal and programme of the Government by public roll-call. Out of 212 MPs who were present, 157 voted in favor and 55 were opposed, while...

calendar29.06.2017. | 03:44

Ministry of Defense will form a Commission to investigate personal data leaks

After the exposure of personal data of a Serbian MP by Aleksandar Martinovic, Head of the parliamentary group of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), led to the formation of Investigation Committee and possible lawsuits.

calendar28.06.2017. | 05:41

Chief of the Serbian ruling parliamentary group exposed personal data of an MP

Head of the parliamentary group of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Aleksandar Martinovic read the official documents obtained from the military about the leader of the New Party (NS) Zoran Zivkovic during assembly session.

calendar27.06.2017. | 06:17

President Vucic: I had no objections to the composition of the new Government

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he was informed about the new cabinet proposal by the Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabic, and that he had no objections to the choice of personnel.

calendar27.06.2017. | 03:38

Serbian Assembly to discuss new Cabinet on Wednesday

Serbian Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabic made a motion to the Parliament on Tuesday for forming the new government which includes three new ministers.

calendar26.06.2017. | 04:21

Authorities have not started the procedure for the import of MiGs even after half a year

Serbian authorities have not started the procedure for obtaining licenses to import six MiG 29 fighter jets despite their numerous announcements that “the aircrafts are coming soon.” The licenses for import that are needed so aircraft's can even arrive to Serbia should be obtained by the importer, in this case Jugoimport SDPR.

calendar31.05.2017. | 12:02

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic sworn in as new President of Serbia

New Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was sworn in at the ceremonial session of the Assembly on Wednesday, which was attended by numerous Serbian ministers and representatives of diplomatic core, universities, army, police, and international organizations in Serbia.

calendar31.05.2017. | 05:47

Several attacks on journalists during President Vucic’s inauguration

Inauguration of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not pass without incidents. His supporters attacked journalists from Insajder (Insider) Production, Vice, Radio Belgrade, and daily newspapers Today (Danas).

calendar29.05.2017. | 07:13

The Sava River embankment: Illegal construction threatens the water supply and flood protection

On the Sava embankment an illegal settlement was built in the past few years where there are wells from which the citizens of Belgrade get water supply. The embankment that is now threatened was built for the defense of New Belgrade from floods.

calendar26.05.2017. | 05:43

Prayer in front of the demolished masjid

A day before the beginning of Ramadan, Serbian authorities with the help of police demolished the masjid in Zemun Polje in Belgrade.

calendar26.05.2017. | 04:52

The new model of Fiat is made in Serbia through the old system of state subsidies

At the promotion of the new Fiat model “500L” produced in Kragujevac, Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic stated that the FCA, producer of the car, is dedicated to further investments in Serbia.

calendar24.05.2017. | 05:09

PM Vucic and the US diplomat Yee: Peace and stability for the Western Balkans

Serbian Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic and the US State Department official Hoyt Brian Yee stated, after a meeting in Belgrade on Wednesday, that the two countries are dedicated to maintaining peace, stability, and the EU accession of the Western Balkans.

calendar23.05.2017. | 06:20

Party loyalty remains the best recommendation for the position of Head of Security Information Agency (BIA)

Appointment of the high ranking official of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Bratislav Gasic to the position of the Head of the Serbian Security Information Agency is yet another proof that representatives of the Government have for years subordinated this important state institution to the party’s rather than to the national interests.

calendar22.05.2017. | 02:05

Debts of public enterprises paid by the citizens

Public enterprises continue getting into debt, while the managers are appointed along political party lines and they employ political cadre. The end result is that the debt made by public enterprises is transformed into public dept. This situation is possible because the key positions in public companies are considered party spoils, and there is no adequate...

calendar20.05.2017. | 12:16

Commission on monopoly of the IT company Prointer: Solution to be found soon

The IT company Prointer, which is engaged in the development and sale of computers and software, is rapidly succeeding in the Serbian ICT market, primarily due to doing business with the state administration and public companies.